
In a small town on the coast of Maine where the millstream turns a final bend before tumbling under the bridge and into the bay, sits our home. When we moved here in 2009 we called it “The Millstream Pocket.” The house is a simple cape built in 1850. Everyone in town it seems, looked at the house and pronounced “that place needs a ton of work.” Since moving in we have done some of that “ton of work.” A new project always follows the one before. We’ve added a brick walk, re-wallpapered one room and de-wallpapered many more, painted painted and painted some more. We moved the bathroom and made delightful old house discoveries like the maple kitchen floors beneath layers of linoleum.

My work is midwifery and while I come and go, Tim  keeps everything rolling along smoothly and slowly we make headway in our projects and adventures. While so many of our friends are homesteading, farming and making great strides at self sufficiency in the woods, in yurts, off the grid, we attempt to perfect the art of old fashioned in-town living, doing what we can to create a green, harmonious and healthy home. The floors are still crooked and there is so much left to do but meanwhile third and fourth babies were born, we added a small flock of ducks to our household and have gotten to know our neighbors well enough to ask or offer anything, anytime.  We’ve settled into our new home and continue our adventures as time passes at The Millstream Pocket.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Just found your blog – love Maine (vacation their every summer), love old houses (when I’m not frustrated with mine), we’ve had a flock of ducks before (we found to be very messy to keep in the suburbs), and I used a midwife for the birth of my babe (fantastic experience). It all sounds interesting!

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